Devin is well-known ruin castle with important place in Slovak history.
3. Pezinok
Pezinok is the ancient royal town with great history of wine growing with nice restaurants, museum and shops.
4. Limbach
Limbach – Peaceful and comfortable village famous for its wine cellars and compelling possibilities of agro tourism.
5. Baba
Baba – Ideal location for skiing in winter and for hiking and cycling in summer.
6. Modra
Modra – The old royal town, well-known for Slovak folk majolica sought for by Slovaks as well as foreigners.
7. Senec
Senec – Nearby town famous for its lakes and Aqua Park for summer or winter swimming.
8. Red Stone
The Červený Kameň Castle – Červený Kameň is a castle offering exciting exhibition tour with a look into the castle wine cellar, museum or falcon yard in the outside grounds.
9. Smolenice
Town with picturesque castle with very nice view of the highest peak in Little Carpathians Záruby.
10. Jaskyňa Driny
Beautiful dripstone ornamentation cave situated in the national reservation area near Smolenice.